Paperboy NES Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 140
Top 10 Video Game Witches
For this list we will be counting down the top ten female sorceresses in video games that had us spellbound for a variety of reasons. Magic has to be a factor so cre...
Top 10 Video Game Swordsmen
WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about. |--| We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists,...
Why Life is Like a Video Game
Are you tired of not getting the satisfaction of accomplishment that you crave. Well maybe you're still on your way to achieving your dreams. Much like a video game,...
Top 10 Video Game Dumbasses
For this list we are looking at the characters that are known across the gaming community as morons, regardless of their moral compass. We’re focusing on characters...
就为买个Video游戏!Just for a Video game
2,日后在我的视频连接,比如拆封,产品介绍中,如果喜欢,购买我视频下方的产品,一般都指向美国亚马逊,我会拿到很少的cut. 3,我的Paypal( xlr_11@icloud.
Top 10: Video Game Trailers of All Time
Trying new ideas, we are looking to retrieve a wider audience before releasing a machinima. So yes, there is a machinima coming soon. Wait a few months for more info...
Top 10 Worst Video Game Movies
Even more depressing if you care about the games..
10 Epic Video Game Bosses
TGN collaborates with partners directly to create content for this channel and are always looking for more talented creators:. Partner with TGN ➜.
My Xbox One Video Game Collection!
FTC: Sponsored by Pretzelmaker. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my viewers. I am disclosing this in accordance wi...
Top 10 Worst Video Game Consoles
as we count down the top 10 worst video game consoles. Special thanks to "Jeff Sine", "Waddle Buu", "Joseph Kabak", "ghjk408", "Andy Roehl", "Joackim Skoglund", "Tri...
Top 5 - Worst video game weapons
It´s time to take a look at some of the worst weapons that have been inflicted upon gamers over the years. Most of the weapons on this list don’t aim properly or jus...
Video Game Hunting Live #39 1- GEM
Watch me go game hunting for retro games and Vintage toys and memorabilia. And helping the community with trades and bingo giveaways..
10 Overpowered Video Game Weapons
Written by Jasper Zarrindast. TGN collaborates with partners directly to create content for this channel and are always looking for more talented creators:. Partner...
Top 15 SCARIEST Video Game Glitches
Written by: Jonah Petruic. The list of the video games containing the scary glitches:. Sherlock Holmes Nemesis. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Fallout 3. Red Dead Re...
Video 1: Black Ops II Game Clip
Game Clip from Nuketown Zombies , Call of Duty BO2.
Video Game Collections [NameCast]
Here's a special guest edition of the description (doobly doo as some call it), writted (that was a typo but it's staying) by Kevin. Nathan's having a nap as he woke...
Top 10 Scary Video Game Bosses
WatchMojo is a leading producer of reference online video content, covering the People, Places and Trends you care about. |--| We update DAILY with 4-5 Top 10 lists,...
Top 10 Video Game Myths Investigated
Game myths are a dime a dozen. Spread like wildfire thanks to the internet and its gaming forums, aided by Photoshop, and also “eyewitness accounts” that resemble UF...
Top 10 Hardest Video Game Bosses Ever
From Mike Tyson in Punch-Out to the genocide ending in Undertale, we count down the Top 10 Hardest Video Game Bosses Ever. Subscribe to MindChop by clicking here:.
15 Hardest Video Game Bosses Ever
From bosses clearly designed to make you buy a guide to encounters that make you want to pull your teeth out, we count 15 of the hardest video game bosses ever. Face...
Video Game Would You'd Be Trapped In? | Discussion
If you were trapped in a video game which world would you rather be in. Like say if you were living Log Horizon or Sword Art Online. Gas Money:.
Top 10 Video Game Decisions You're Going To Get Wrong Either Way
For this list, we’ll be taking a look at those moments in video games that gave us a red or blue pill and made us wonder. do we really have to take either. These are...
Let's Rant: Should Video Game Critics Just 'Git Gud?'
In which I discuss Polygon's recent DOOM gameplay video, and the questions it raise. Do gamers need to be good at video games to enjoy them. Should game critics be g...
8 Saddest Video Game Villains
TGN collaborates with partners directly to create content for this channel and are always looking for more talented creators:. Partner with TGN ➜.
ReVive Skateboards VIDEO GAME!
This rules. I'm so hyped to announce this partnership. This game rules and I'm honored that ReVive is in it. Definitely pick up a copy. You'll need it to enter futur...
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