POKEMON BLACK WHITE Honest Game Trailers en Español
POKEMON BLACK & WHITE (Honest Game Trailers en Español
De los desarrolladores del exactamente la misma idea por veinte años, llega la 5ta generacion de exactamente el mismo juego una y otra y otra y otra vez. Pokemon Bla...
STARCRAFT II (Honest Game Trailers en Español)
De los desarrolladores que hicieron 3 juegos de 5 formas diferentes por los últimos 5 años, llega la tercera versión de una secuela de ciencia ficción re imaginada d...
EVOLVE (Honest Game Trailers en Español)
De turtle Rock; creadores de una épica experiencia de 4 jugadores con zombies y 2k Games, creadores de una épica experiencia de 4 jugadores con aliens mutantes, lleg...
GOLDENEYE (Honest Game Trailers en Español)
Del desarrollador que lleno tu niñes de juegos sobre monos, osos y bizarras ranas musculosas, llega el icono de los juegos que definió el genero de los FPS. amenos d...
DOTA 2 (Honest Game Trailers)
From the company that sells you the mods you used to get for free, and the developer equivalent of Banksy comes the game that put the e-sports in ESPN. Death of the...
HITMAN (Honest Game Trailers)
From the developers that exclusively make games about professional murderers. Comes the series that let's you play as a modern assassin - without any of that creed n...
UNCHARTED (Honest Game Trailers)
From the developer whose name made a lot more sense when they were making goofy platformers about animal men comes the series that dares to ask, "what if Tomb Raider...
FALLOUT 4 (Honest Game Trailers)
From the company that's been slapping a new coat of paint in the same game engine for almost a decade comes the game that was hyped up almost as much as the new Star...
DOOM (Honest Game Trailers)
From the developers that basically created the first person shooter genre - and let you live out your fantasy of murdering robot Hitler - comes the series so violent...
HEARTHSTONE (Honest Game Trailers)
Because Warcraft and collectible card games weren't nerdy enough on their own, Blizzard presents Hearthstone. Trailers that tell you the TRUTH about your favorite Vi...
EVOLVE (Honest Game Trailers)
From Turtle Rock; creators of an epic, 4-player, zombies experience, and 2K Games; creators of an epic, 4-player, mutant-alien experience, comes something you've nev...
BATTLEBORN (Honest Game Trailers)
From the developers of the popular Borderlands series, and some other games they really hope that you will forget about - comes a game that fuses the frenetic first-...
OVERWATCH (Honest Game Trailers)
From the developers of games that are as addictive as street level heroin, comes the first original IP Blizzard has produced since The Lost Vikings - seriously - Ove...
POKKÉN TOURNAMENT (Honest Game Trailers)
From the developers of adorable creature cage fighting games, comes the franchise spin-off so obvious it's unbelievable it took 15 years to come out - Pokken Tournam...
FIRE EMBLEM (Honest Game Trailers)
From Nintendo's sweaty neckbeard cousin, comes the strategy RPG based on those guys with swords from Smash Brothers - Fire Emblem. Trailers that tell you the TRUTH a...
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS (Honest Game Trailers)
From the studio, whose name would have you believe it made more than one game, comes one of the best games of all time that your parents didn't have to buy for you -...
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S (Honest Game Trailers)
You tried to stay sane in Amnesia, you ran for your life in Slender, now prepare for the next step in video game horror, sitting on your ass doing absolutely nothing...
WORLD OF WARCRAFT (Honest Game Trailers)
From the company who never met a game they couldn't postpone, comes a more effective form of teenage abstinence than acne, sex ed, and the catholic church combined,...
RESIDENT EVIL (Honest Game Trailers)
From the company whose idea of a next gen Mega Man is putting him in Smash Bros, comes the first game in the franchise that defined survival horror, then turned into...
ANGRY BIRDS (Honest Game Trailers)
In a world where the mobile gaming market is dominated by games about gluttony and perpetual warfare, get ready for a game series that shows you the lighter side. of...
FINAL FANTASY VII Honest Game Trailers Reaction and Review
Follow us on TWITTER:. @_brandiprice. @spooneeIRL. INSTAGRAM:. @_brandiprice. MORE TRAILER TALK:.
Honest Trailers - Fantastic Four (2015)
In a world full of terrible Fantastic Four movies, get ready. for another terrible Fantastic Four movie. But this one's dark. Fant4stic. Got a tip. Email us. tips@sc...
Honest Trailers - Avengers: Age of Ultron
Relive the super-sized superhero sequel super set up to never be able to meet the super fans’ super huge expectations: Avengers: Age of Ultron. Got a tip. Email us....
Honest Trailers - Guardians of the Galaxy
& Brett Weiner. Written by Spencer Gilbert, Ian Weinreich, Dan Murrell and Andy Signore. Edited by Dan Murrell & Jason Inman. Let us know in the comments below what...
Honest Trailers - Toy Story (feat. Will Sasso)
& Brett Weiner. Written by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Erica Russell, and Andy Signore. Edited by Dan Murrell, Anthony Falleroni, and Jason Inman. Also while we ha...
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