Who's That Champion? | Ep. 2 ft. Anklespankin (Alistar Support)
Who's That Champion is a series where I take underplayed champions in League of Legends and show you how to play and have fun with them. I am by no means a professio...
Unranked to Challenger #129 - Dia 2 - Taric Support
Lets Play League of Legends Taric Bot. Geilofamily ♥.
League Of Legends - Morgana Support
What is going on guys it is TheRandomAuzzie here and today I'm playing League Of Legends as Morgana Support in the bot lane ( with commentary ) hope you guys enjoy t...
New Teemo Support Updated 5.15 patch
another support video with the new champion update TEEMO!. Kalista wasn't a strong adc as you can see in the beginning or you maybe she didnt know how to play with a...
This is Why We Love to Play Teemo Support
Now Teemo has another hidden passive besides his Global Taunt. His second hidden passive is Mana Break. It forces enemies to throw their abilities and waste their ma...
Teemo Support - S5 Ep.122 - New Meta para S6 !!!
Teemo Support - S5 Ep.122 - New Meta para S6 !!. |--| Aquí tenemos a nuestro Timín en su faceta supp!!. nada de troleos!. bueno un poquito si. ;D pero siempre aporta...
#14 RoadToGold-Teemo(not) support(SEASON 5).
Season 5. Patch 5.5. |--| Top- Gnar vs Darius. Jungle- Hecarim vs Vi. Mid- Malphite vs. Adc- Caitlyn vs Tristana. Support- Teemo(apc) vs Leona. Division-Silver 2. En...
Bard Support Runes/Masteries S5
Stream: twitch.tv/peacealien. twitter: @peacealien -- Watch live at.
(DOTA 2 香港) Full Gameplay #13 - IO (艾歐) Support
(DOTA 2 香港) Full Gameplay #13 - IO (艾歐) Support. 殺-死-助 : 4-3-22. 道具 : 魔瓶、星光披風、動力靴、3 x 活力之球. Role : 遠程 - 輔助 - 脫逃 - 爆發. -Dota 2 Offici...
League of legends , Ranked, Support
League stream Support role mostly morgana / Thresh/ lulu ..
Leona Support League of legends
Mała wskazówka jak Zagrać fajnie leona gdy mamy dobrego adc. |--| Zapraszam również na stream www.Twich.tv/Monki94.
Brand Support III - League of Legends
Playing Brand support with Jinx. This was before patch 6.9. Music: Ellie Goulding - Burn.
League Of Legends - REK'SAI SUPPORT IS BROKEN!!!!!! [How To]
Follow My Streams ▶ twitch.tv/taconchips. Friend Me On Steam ▶ tacodan1. Hit Me Up ▶ [email protected]. Add me XBOX Live ▶ DanTGameStgp. For more cool videos of ga...
[FR] League of legends : Mon point de vu sur les support ap mid...
Je tiens tout d'abord à préciser que pendant la vidéo je peux paraître dur envers ceux qui ne jouent pas normalement support donc les remarques sont à prendre avec d...
#16 League of Legends - Volibear Support
Papi TS szerverén nyomulunk: ts.erack.hu:1520. Facebook:.
League of Legends I Think Gragas Mid Support???
I don't know what happened this game, but it was fun. |--| _. UNDERTALE:.
Dota 2 - F*ck you,,,, Noob Support (Must Watch)
Dota 2 India, Dota 2 India Server, dota 2 wtf, dota 2, dota 2 highlights, dota 2 wtf moments, dota 2 live, dota 2 highlights daily, dota 2 funny moments, dota 2 mira...
Taliyah Support??? | League of Legends
Don't be salty. We're just having fun and I showed another point of view with Taliyah. She's a great support even with AP items - you can burst fast your enemies. |-...
Singed Support | League of Legends S6
With ranked being disabled I decided to go full troll pick. -- Watch live at.
League of Legends ep4 Moragana Support
Read Me`. |--| Salut tuturor. eu sunt Andrei si am revenit cu un nou episod. nu ezita sa dai un like poate chiar un subscribe sau share. pentru ca ma motiveaza sa po...
League of Legends - Maokai Support
If a Maokai falls in the woods and your whole team is there to hear it, does anyone care. No, because you're Maokai support and no one on your team seems to like tha...
Jogando de Support com a lux no League of Legends
Oi gente esta aqui mais um video de Support, estou jogando com a lux. Gente eu fiz um video curto para não demora muito. |--| Inscreva-se no canal para receber os pr...
League Of Legends - Nami Support
What is going on guys it is TheRandomAuzzie here and today I'm playing League Of Legends as Nami Support in the bot lane ( with commentary ) hope you guys enjoy the...
League of Legends URF "StylenGaming the best Support"
Vágás:(hogyha szoktam) kb. 15-20 perc. Renderelés:40 perc. Vágóprogram: Sony Vegas Pro 13. Felvevő programok: Action. Konfigom:. Processzor: Intel Core i5-4590S CPU...
Support Montage #1 | League of Legends
If you enjoyed watching make sure to leave a like and follow my stream/social media.
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