New Shopkins So Cool Metallic Fridge Playset with 8 Exclusive Shopkins
Frozen Elsa Blind Bag Christmas Stocking Shopkins MLP LPS Moshi
We have so many cute toys inside our Frozen Christmas stocking today. Maybe we will open up one of your favorites. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on an...
Shopkins Bakery and Fruit and Vegetable Stand Playsets Review
Mommy and Gracie (and sometimes Daddy) are The Doll Hunters. They will go anywhere to find Monster High Dolls. They also collect My Little Pony,Ever After HIgh, anyt...
Shopkins Toy HAUL by Moose Toys Blind Baskets and Playsets
I just found the new Shopkins line of toys at Toys R Us. They are similar to the Trash Pack but are grocery store themed. I purchased everything I could find in the...
My Little Pony PlaySkool Musical Celebration Castle with Shopkins Season 3
In this video, I reviewed the Playskool MLP Musical Celebration Castle that comes with a Pinkie Pie and Starsong. We also opened up a My Little Pony Series 3 Fashem...
My Little Pony Pinkie Pie Pop Outz Crayola Coloring with Shopkins Season 5
My Little Pony Pinkie Pie Pop Outz Crayola Coloring with Shopkins Season 5 Toy Genie Surprises. In this My Little Pony video, I color in Pinkie Pie from the Pop Outz...
My Little Pony Applejack and Pinkie Pie Activity Barn with Shopkins Season 4
My Little Pony Applejack and Pinkie Pie Activity Barn with Shopkins Season 4 review by Toy Genie Surprises. This Applejack Activity Barn is by PlaySkool and comes wi...
Shopkins Season 2 Full Case Blind Baskets and Announcement
This is a video of a full case of Shopkins Season 2 Blind Baskets opened to start a brand new Shopkins Season 2 Collection to be shared as Genie Presents. I have com...
Shopkins Collector Cards with Season 3 Characters in Blind Bags
Shopkins Collector Cards with Season 3 in Blind Bags by Toy Genie Surprises. These Shopkins Collectors Cards comes with Shopkins Season 3 characters inside. Each bli...
Shopkins Micro LITE Blind Bags with Fluffy Baby Dum Mee Mee
Shopkins Micro LITE Blind Bags with Fluffy Baby Dum Mee Mee reviewed by Toy Genie Surprises. These Shopkins Micro Lites are made by Tech4Kids. The Shopkins Micro Lit...
♥ Shopkins Season 2 Single Pack Score and My Little Pony for Gracie
Shopkins Season 2 Single Pack Score and My Little Pony for Gracie. Still no sight of Monster High Boo York Boo York or Freak Due Chic yet in our stores, but Five Bel...
*NEW* Shopkins Plush Hangers in Blind Bags with Poppy Corn and More
*NEW* Shopkins Plush Hangers in Blind Bags with Poppy Corn and More opening by Toy Genie Surprises. There are a total of 5 different Shopkins Plush Hangers to collec...
Amy Jo unboxes Season 5 Shopkins Blind Bags on The Amy Jo Show - part 1!
There are lots of fun, cool changes with Season 5 Shopkins. Check out this video to see what surprises Amy Jo opens in her Season 5 blind bags toy review :) Subscrib...
Play-Doh Shopkins Under The Sea Splashlings Surprise Toys Opening | PSToyReviews
Join Spongebob & the Flying Dutchman as they uncover surprise toys under the sea. There are Play-Doh eggs, pearls, that are hiding Shopkins, Splashlings & Squinkies....
Peppa Pig e Shopkins - Abrindo Surpresas com a Camilie Comilona Julia Silva
Nesse vídeo eu e a minha Baby Alive Comilona Camilie abrimos Surpresas da Peppa Pig (Chupa Chups) e Shopkins. Espero que gostem. |--| Meu outro canal:.
Brincando de Inventar Histórias: Shopkins X Trash Pack Julia Silva
Nesse vídeo eu mostro como eu brinco com os meus Shopkins e Trash Pack juntos. Amo brincar de inventar historinhas e vocês. Espero que gostem do vídeo. Deixe seu gos...
Muita gente me pediu mais novelinhas com Barbies e com a Aninha. Nesse vídeo a Aninha vai ao supermercado com sua mãe e sua irmã Julinha e apronta a maior bagunça co...
Abrindo Minions Mega Bloks e Shopkins Surpresa Julia Silva
Nesse vídeo eu abro mais surpresas dos Minions (Mega Bloks) e cestinhas de Shopkins. Espero que gostem. Meu outro canal:.
Shopkins Doodle Desk with Coloring Crayons + Markers Art Set Cookieswirlc Video
Don't forget to Subscribe, like and leave me a comment :). You rock cookie fans. Thank you for all your sweet support. |--| "When you do your best you can walk away...
EggAPalooza #7 Surprise Egg Opening | Shopkins Disney Zelf MLP Chocolate | PSToyReviews
We have another EggAPalooza for you today. This is where we open 15 different surprise eggs and see what we find inside. Today we have Shopkins, Disney Frozen, Choco...
Play-Doh Surprise Eggs Hidden Toys Shopkins Moshi Monsters & more
Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any of our new videos. You can send mail to us at:. Paul & Shannon. PO Box 171. Wake Forest, NC 27588. Make sure to...
Slime Surprises #2 Hidden Toys | Shopkins Play-Doh MLP Squinkies | PSToyReviews
Ewww, ooey, gooey slime. This is so cool. Let's dig in the slime and see what toys are hidden inside. We might find Shopkins, Trash Pack, My Little Pony or Squinkies...
Shopkins Surprise Easter Basket Opening Shoppies Season 1 Egg | PSToyReviews
Today we have a Shopkins Surprise Easter Basket with surprise eggs, Season 1 5 pack, Shoppies Popette & Food Fair. We also have more surprise blind bags so take a lo...
Disney Princess Blind Bag Basket Opening | Frozen MLP Shopkins | PSToyReviews
Hi, Paul and Shannon here and we love to open and collect all kinds of toys. Today we have a beautiful Disney Princess Cinderella Coach filled with lots of fun toys....
Shopkins Crayola Markers and Lippy Lips Coloring Page Toy Genie
Shopkins Crayola Markers and Lippy Lips Coloring Page Toy Genie Surprises. These Crayola Washable Markers now come with Shopkins characters on them with really cleve...
Slime Surprises #3 Hidden Toys | Shopkins Disney MLP Squinkies | PSToyReviews
Do you love slime. Us too. We have lots of hidden toys inside the slime today. What will we find. Check it out and let us know what your favorite toy was down in the...
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