New Shopkins So Cool Metallic Fridge Playset with 8 Exclusive Shopkins
Review: Geladeira Shopkins #juliasilva
Nesse vídeo eu mostro mais detalhes da geladeira dos shopkins. Outro video que fiz dos shopkins:.
Hi Guys. Today I open Shopkins Season 5 Mega Pack!. Inside the Shopkins Mega Pack you will receive 20 Shopkins and 4 Petkins Backpacks. Super Awesome!. I hope you en...
Shopkins Cartoon Stitch Up - Episodes 19-24
Shopkins are back for another stitch up. Enjoy more of your favourite Shopkins fun in one big episode!.
My Little Pony + Shopkins | Character Mashup!
Dream Mining is a place to create, to dream and to play. At Dream Mining it's all about fashion, music, and film especially when YOU design, sing and make videos. Th...
Shopkins Cartoon - Episode 1 "Check it Out"
Meet the Shopkins. In this episode Cheeky Chocolate and Apple Blossom try to get Kooky Cookie to come out of her shell, but will she make the jump in the Shopkins Le...
Shopkins Ice Cream Truck Season 3
Shopkins Scoops Ice Cream Truck review by Toy Genie Surprises. Shopkins Ice Cream Truck Playset for Season 3 is here. This ice cream truck comes with two exclusive S...
Shopkins Diary Set with Clicker Pens
Music: YouTube. To receive your Genie Presents:. 1.) You must be 18 years of age or older, or have your parent or guardian contact me and let me know it's okay to s...
Shopkins Magnets Blind Bags
Shopkins Magnets Blind Bags opening by Toy Genie Surprises. There are a total of 24 Shopkins Magnets to collect and 4 different Shopkins Posters. Each blind bag come...
Abrindo Shopkins Surpresa Julia Silva
Nesse vídeo eu abro quatro cestas de Shopkins Surpresa.Shopkins World:.
Shopkins Cartoon - Episode 31 "A Walk In The Park"
Apple Blossom has taught Milk Bud lots of cool tricks. What is your favourite.
Shopkins Cartoon - Episode 30 "A Piece of Cake"
Guess who's birthday it is in Shopville. Are you ready to see the best birthday cake ever!?.
Shopkins Cartoon - Episode 12, "The Big Cheeky Hunt"
Check out the latest Shopkins Cartoon episode. Who will find Cheeky and win the grand prize in the annual Shopkins "Cheeky Hunt". Tune in and find out!.
Shopkins Cartoon - Episode 28 "X Marks the Shop"
AAARRREE you ready for an amazing Shopkins adventure. Dive right in to the latest Shopkins webisode for some serious Shopkins fun. Shiver Me Timberrrrs.
Hello Kitty Play Doh Surprise Egg with My Little Pony and Shopkins
In this video we opened up a Hello Kitty Play Doh Surprise Egg. Let's go digging for some treasures. This is a Toy Genie Treasure Hunting video where we look for tre...
Shopkins Designer Dash Game with 4 NEW Exclusives
Shopkins Designer Dash Game with NEW Exclusives by Toy Genie Surprises. This is Shopkin's latest board game and it comes with 4 exclusive Shopkins including Bun Bun...
Shopkins Season 3 Shady Play Doh Surprise Egg
Music: YouTube. To receive your Genie Presents:. 1.) You must be 18 years of age or older, or have your parent or guardian contact me and let me know it's okay to s...
Hello Kitty Food Truck with Shopkins Season 1, 2, and 3
Hello Kitty Food Truck with Shopkins Season 1, 2, and 3 by Toy Genie Surprises. This Hello Kitty Food Truck comes with Hello Kitty, Jodie, and Fifi. This is an aweso...
Genie Games 7 Shopkins Season 3 Can You Find It
Genie Games 7 Shopkins Season 3 Can You Find It by Toy Genie Surprises. In this video, I have a bunch of Shopkins Season 3 orange Shopkins. Can you find the one that...
Shopkins Temporada 5 en Español - Los Juguetes de Titi
Juguetes Shopkins season 5 abrimos cajitas mochilas petkins y tambien un 5pk que incluye una pulsera de shopkins con dijes de temporadas combinadas. Los shopkins son...
Shopkins, Monster high, and five nights at Freddy's
This is a quick update on what I'm going to do on this channel with my sister!!. Hope you guys stay tuned...
Abrindo Shopkins - Novos Kits - Julia Silva
Nesse vídeo eu abro dois kits de Shopkins, que ganhei no encontrinho do Shopping Villa Lobos em São Paulo. Meu outro canal:.
Abrindo Novos Shopkins Surpresa Julia Silva
Nesse vídeo eu abro muitos shopkins surpresa. Espero que gostem. Meu outro canal:.
Abrindo mais Shopkins e Surpresas Julia Silva
Minha tia viajou para os EUA e trouxe mais Shopkins para mim. Nesse vídeo eu abro eles e as surpresas também. Espero que gostem. |--| Meu outro canal:.
Novidade Shopkins Season 3 - Série 3 - Julia Silva
Nesse vídeo eu mostro os novos Shopkins, que comprei da Série 3. Espero que gostem do vídeo. |--| Meu outro canal:.
Abrindo novos Shopkins e Surpresas Julia Silva
Nesse video eu abro os meus mais novos shopkins e mostro eles com mais detalhes. Espero que gostem. |--| Shopkins World:.
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