Hearthstone ! Jugando Hunter Midrange en un mundo lleno de Guerreros.
Con mas luz. con el juego mas fluido !. y con mas Hearthstone !!. Espero que les guste el vídeo :). Si te gustan mis vídeos no olvides suscribirte, seria una gran ay...
Class Tier List - June 2016 Standard Ranked - Hearthstone Meta Report - Top Decks
It's Hearthstone, so let's rank some decks and classes. In this video I reassess my predictions at release of Whispers of the Old Gods. What new powerhouses did WotO...
Hearthstone Beast Hunter S26 (Caçador de Feras) Standard
Salve Clan, segundo vídeo mais pedido por vocês, hoje jogamos de Beast Hunter(Caçador de Feras), espero que gostem do deck, bem consistente e divertido. Não esqueça...
HEARTHSTONE | Opening Packs & Standard Ranked w/ Basic Hunter
HEARTHSTONE. I've missed this game. Opening some Whispers of the Old Gods packs and taking Basic Hunter for a spin in Standard Ranked mode. I need to rebuild my deck...
Cachinhos Plays: Gameplay Hearthstone Standard, Hunter Control Yogg Saron.
Fala Galera. Trazendo um gameplay fresquinho do Hunter Control de Yogg Saron do Savajz. Como ele estava rank 4 com o deck e o aprimorou rushando a ladder eu vi consi...
Hearthstone: Trump Deck Teachings - 13 - Face Hunter (Hunter)
Face Hunter is probably the most aggressive deck out there with a lot of cheap minions, chargers and damaging spells. Combine that with a Hero Power that constantly...
[Hearthstone] My First TGT Decks
Review and gameplay of my initial deck ideas from The Grand Tournament launch. Twitter:.
HEARTHSTONE / Ma collection et mes decks!
Salut les geek!!. |--| Petite vidéo pour vous présenter ma collection et mes decks. |--| Bon visionnage. Mon BattleTag : Selvarion#2410. Facebook :.
Hearthstone: Season 3 Decks
Hey there guys,. Today, I decided to show you all the decks I've been running in Constructed Play, both in Ranked and Casual Games. I hope you enjoy the video and I...
[Hearthstone] Beating Better Decks
Review of some of the most amazing games I experienced playing Arena this week. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] The Oldest Decks of HS
A review of the decks with the longest history that are still being played today. How many of these will survive the changes resulting from the Blackrock Mountain ex...
Hearthstone: Most Popular Decks 2.0
Hearthstone's most popular decks after the release of Whispers of the Old Gods. Subscribe to INN Gaming today. Thank you for stopping by The INN; we know you’ll enjo...
[Hearthstone] Prelim Decks...
Outro Song:. Actually Like by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (.
Hearthstone Fun Decks: 1adin
Keeping the 1 cost card theme goin with 1 cost Paladin. wowcrendor links. My Twitter:.
Day[9] HearthStone Decktacular #219 - Midrange Shaman P1
Everyone is ranting and raving about Flamewreathed Faceless and Thing from Below so I'm simply goign to kill everyone with them. My Website:.
[Hearthstone] Master of The Midrange Arena
How to skew your arena decks to be able to outcontrol the most controlling mages out there. Twitter:.
Un chasseur midrange en mode libre sur hearthstone. Abonne toi pour ne rater aucune vidéo.
Hearthstone Midrange Shaman S26 #3: AOE Bait
These games are from StrifeCro's May 30th Stream. For those who are new, the score on the top left reflects StrifeCro’s win/loss for today’s featured deck for this m...
Hearthstone Amaz Trying New Decks For Brawl: Top 2
Like, share and subscribe if you like my vods. Your Support is huge for me. |--| You can send your funny hearthstone moments to [email protected].
Hearthstone: Tavern Brawl Top 2 [7 decks to Win With]
♥Thank you Reddit. You are a Troll and I love you..
[Hearthstone] The Craziest Arena Decks Ever
Arena is supposed to be a place where cards like Chillwind Yeti reign supreme. This isn`t that video however. Note that a lot of the time you get crushed by turn 3-4...
[Hearthstone] Decks I Never Get Tired of Playing
The single type of deck that never seems to disappoint or lose my attention in all the time I’ve played Hearthstone. Outro video links:. YESTERDAY Playing From The C...
Hearthstone: Hose vs Tinkerleo #02 (Fun Decks)
Heute trete ich gegen Tinkerleo an in einem Fun-Match. Die Decks sind nicht ganz ernst gemeint und verfolgen ab und zu sogar ein Motto. Habt ihr ne Idee für ne Deckb...
Hearthstone Fun Decks: Tater Totems
Made a fun deck out of Shaman totems. wowcrendor links. My Twitter:.
Hearthstone Fun Decks: Yogg Sarexxar
Yogg Saron Hunter Fun. wowcrendor links. My Twitter:.
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