League of Legends Special Weapon Zac Jungle No Commentary Just Music
League of Legends: Caitlyn ADC - Full Game Commentary!
MY first upload. Not too bad of a game but could have gone a whole lot better. I am always looking to improve. IF you have ideas for series that you would like too s...
AP Ahri MID | League of Legends | Full Gameplay Commentary
Welcome to my channel. stick around for daily league of legends uploads. Leave a like if u enjoy, and become a subscriber today. see you on summoners rift!.
League of Legends | Arunc topoare | Live Commentary
Salut și bine v-am găsit la un nou gameplay de League of Legends. De data asta am jucat Olaf, dar tot pe toplane. A iesit ok meciul, deci am decis sa il uploadez ca...
League of Legends - Draven ADC - Full Game Commentary
woohoo,postive score. |--| and team ff again. Hi everyone,this is RedNovaArchfiend. I really hope you guys enjoy my video. If you do,please leave. a like and subscri...
League of Legends - Varus ADC - Full Game Commentary
Varus is one of the few adc's I still find some enjoyment with. also the lane matchup is rather humorous. _________________________________________________________...
Vladimir Mid - League of Legends Full Game Commentary
Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy today's video. If you have any criticism for the volume levels or my commentary, feel free to put that in the comments below. I shou...
Nocturne Top Commentary Season 6 Patch 6.10- League of Legends
--READ DESCRIPTION AND UPVOTE THE VIDEO. Nocturne top is really strong in laning phase and after. His pick off potential is what makes him a great top laner. If play...
AD Varus URF | League of Legends | Full Gameplay Commentary
Welcome to my channel. stick around for daily league of legends uploads. Leave a like if u enjoy, and become a subscriber today. see you on summoners rift!.
AP Shaco URF | League of Legends | Full Gameplay Commentary
Welcome to my channel. stick around for daily league of legends uploads. Leave a like if u enjoy, and become a subscriber today. see you on summoners rift!.
League of Legends - Taliyah Mid - Full Gameplay Commentary!
Playing the new champion, Taliyah, in the mid lane. Leave a Like and Subscribe. Check out my channel:.
Schalke04's League of Legends - Team! | Commentary | Gepatcht
Ich versuche jedes meiner Videos so perfekt wie möglich zu machen und bin deshalb wegen jedem Like und Abonnenten dankbar. Meine Videos mache ich mit Spaß, was das w...
Trundle Top - League of Legends - Full Game Commentary
So a little late, but at least it's not a month, right?:d Please don't hate me:(. If you enjoyed this, please like and subscribe, it really helps me out. Runes: flat...
League of Legends - Tryndamere Top - Full Gameplay Commentary!
Playing as a passive top lane Tryndamere in League of Legends. Leave a Like and Subscribe. Check out my channel:.
League of Legends - Xerath vs Lux Season 6 Gameplay Commentary
lol s6, Xerath Guardian of the Sands vs Lux diamond mid gameplay commenatry patch 6.9. Subscribe -.
Karma ONE FOR ALL - Full Gameplay Commentary | League of Legends
If you enjoyed my content, subscribe for more. Game info:. - Patch 6.9. - Server: EUW.
League of Legends - Taliyah Mid - Full Game Commentary
Let me know what you guys think about the new champion. Hope you guys enjoy, make sure to leave a like as well :). 2nd Channel:.
League of Legends - High ELO Commentary - IMT Huni Jarvan Top
The legendary top laner for Immortals playing as AD Jarvan in the top lane against the reworked Vladimir. Man this guy can dunk for days. Feature Points Referral Lin...
League of Legends - Mid Talon Gameplay Live Commentary
Hey guys, its been a while since I've put up some League gameplay. So here's a game I recorded a few days ago, hope you enjoy. Also I streamed recently and played so...
Best of League of Legends Music
"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.". ― Herbert Hoover. Underrated League music that's not used ingame. It's pretty damn good.
League of Legends - Studio of Krebse #03 Mehr Glück in Jungle
Hier könnt ihr eure PLAYS schicken , die ich bestimmt einbauen werde, wenn sie lustig werden ;). [email protected]. Fals du das nice findest , lass do...
KOREAN BBC LUCIAN JUNGLE - Full Gameplay | League of Legends
Black Cleaver + Ghostblade on Lucian in the Jungle = BROKEN?. BBC means Big Black Cleaver btw nothing to do with porn or anything. ⇒ VIKTOR FUNNY MOMENTS:.
League Of Legends | Lee Sin Jungle | Mi team es pro y empezamos de putisima madre
Buenas, he aquí un nuevo vídeo de un juego bastante favorable en cuanto a personas que lo juegan a si que había que subir un poco de él. |--| PD: Disculpas por no ed...
Dicas + Gameplay - WARWICK JUNGLE - [Pre Season 6] - League of Legends
Esse canal é destinado ao jogo League of legends , Espero que gostem dos Videos ,. INSCREVA-SE. Intro lalala - A Day to Remember - If It Means A Lot To You.
AP Diana Jungle is Bloody Strong - League of Legends Season 6
RUNES. Red - AS. Yellow - Armour. Blues - AP. Quints - AP. MASTERIES - 12/18/0 Thunderlords. ★Like me on Facebook:.
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