League of Legends Ranked Road to Gold 1
LOL | League of legends| Karma Support | Gameplay| Silver division | German | Road to Gold#9
HI guys. This is the 9th episode of the little road to gold series. I would like you to give me improvement suggestions for the series and my Channel in any kind. I...
League of Legends [Road to Gold#8] Volibear Top Guide | Gameplayer Silver Diivision | S6 | German
Hi there. 8th game out of the series road to gold. Some Volibear gameplay. Check out my channel for further imba silver division gameplay..
League of Legends - Road to Gold! - Episode 20: Kindred Jungle | Full Game Commentary
Not my best game, but I still felt it was good enough to learn from. Runes: 1x Crit Chance Mark, 8x Armor Pen Marks, 9x Armor Seals, 9x MR/Level Glyphs, 3x AD Quints...
Jhin ranked - Gold 3 League of Legends
Husbando Gameplay. Guest Appearance from Kurabay "theory crafter" - the tank akali. |--| I'll never fix my audio. |--| "I'll carry"-Veigar in champ select.
League of Legends Ranked-Gold 5 + Concurs
Pentru inregistrat console:Live Gamer HD. |--| Pentru inregistrat pe PC :OBS sau Bandicam. Specs:. -Intel I5 3550 3.3GHz-3.7GHz Quadcore. -16Gb RAM 1600MHz. -nVidia...
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - I love Katarina
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - I love Katarina.
[League of Legends] [Ranked] 6.9 - Jarvan 4 Jungle Gold V #2
another jarvan 4 game ranked in the jungle. like and sub fam. comment on what i should do next.
League of Legends Gold V Lux mid ranked játék 2016.05.23.
Én az egyik barátommal duo rankedezünk, sajnos a barátomnak leállt a gépe meccs közben..
【League of Legends】Ranked Master Yi memes (gold 2 promo)
Playing Master Yi in gold is like playing super mario with an auto jump button..
League of Legends Ranked Game Ekko Jungel Gold 2
Meet the trolliest Krugs of all time. And get to know the wonder twins that think if everyone of the enemy team is in the dark, that the dark is the place to be.
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Leona support gameplay
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Leona support gameplay.
League Of Legends Ranked #164 PROMOTIONS PARA GOLD ! 2º JOGO !
Queres saber mais do canal e vantagens. |--| Links do canal & sobre parcerias todos abaixo. ★ Contacto Profissional : [email protected]. ★ Redes Sociais...
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Un meci foarte aiurea
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Un meci foarte aiurea.
League of Legends Ranked Game Nocturn Jungel Gold 2
A realy nice game of League of Legends. If i played this game again I would only change geting static after tinityy and then get 2 hard tank items..
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Cassiopeia gameplay - Patch 6.10
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Cassiopeia gameplay.
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Taliyah mid gameplay - *throwteam*
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Taliyah mid gameplay - *throwteam*.
League Of Legends Ranked #165 PROMOTIONS PARA GOLD ! 3º JOGO !
Queres saber mais do canal e vantagens. |--| Links do canal & sobre parcerias todos abaixo. ★ Contacto Profissional : [email protected]. ★ Redes Sociais...
League Of Legends Ranked #163 PROMOTIONS PARA GOLD ! 1º JOGO !
Queres saber mais do canal e vantagens. |--| Links do canal & sobre parcerias todos abaixo. ★ Contacto Profissional : [email protected]. ★ Redes Sociais...
League Of Legends Ranked #166 PROMOTIONS PARA GOLD ! 4º JOGO !
Queres saber mais do canal e vantagens. |--| Links do canal & sobre parcerias todos abaixo. ★ Contacto Profissional : [email protected]. ★ Redes Sociais...
Noob's Road To Ranked #1 | League of Legends
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Super awesome game as a support
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Super awesome game as a support.
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Cel mai usor meci din acest sezon
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Cel mai usor meci din acest sezon.
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Brand support , meci lejer
League of Legends | Ranked - GOLD 5 - Brand support , meci lejer.
League of Legends Ranked Game Gangplank vs Irelia Toplane Gold 2
Welcome to the grreatest feedgame of ALL TIME. |--| Every lane will get stomped. but you know what they say: "the game is only over when its over!" and so go and do...
[League of Legends - Gold ] Support Big Play (Ranked Game) - Wuzzuppp
[League of Legends - Gold ] Support Big Play (Ranked Game) - Wuzzuppp. Game: League of Legends. Author: KweeneJezi.
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