League of Legends Ranked İrelia Leona 4
Irelia VS Zed - League of Legends Cinematic
Hello guys and lovers of League of Legends here is a beautiful cinematic video for you. |--| i hope you like it and dont forget to share like and sub and have a nice...
League of Legends - Irelia - Alternado
Jogar é uma arte, perder faz parte, desistir. sqn afinal é o bebê.
Irelia TOP off Tank League of legends [PT BR]
Gameplay Irelia top ad puxando tank em League of legends. Confronto do top Irelia x Pantheon. Quem será que vence. |--| Acompanhe mais uma partida de lolzinho e se c...
League of Legends PBE: Hexakill Irelia
Don't forget to Like and Subscribe, I appreciate the support..
FULL 450+ AD IRELIA TOP (League of Legends)
*This video was sponsored by Discord, I can't promise I'll be able to talk to you all but I do promise a great app to talk with your friends or other pimps, that's 1...
ALL NEW PROJECT SKINS - Yi Zed Fiora Leona Lucian - League of Legends Gameplay
Gameplay with all the new PROJECT skins 2015. LOL League of Legends Yi Zed Fiora Leona Lucian new project skins gameplay spotlight. |--| Skins in video: Project Yi(L...
El mejor suport del mundo -Leona arcticHard- Trolleado 【League of Legends】
Mis Fortune modo faker off/on 【League of Legends】.
5 Dicas Irelia (Mecânica) | League of Legends
Oi, tudo bem. |--| Este é um novo modelo de vídeo que vou trazer esporadicamente no canal. Já me segue nas minhas redes sociais. |--| Facebook:.
League of Legends- Irelia sword dancing
Swing and a miss, run and yell. Make it fun for me!.
League of Legends- Tower Diving Irelia
eyoo guys. long time no see. Back it again with those turret dives. Don't do Tower Diving it's a dangerous sport, it can damage your health. If enjoyed, give it a li...
League of Legends: FULL CRIT IRELIA (OP)
I'm a diamond player in NA, glad to see you are here. If you enjoyed the video please like, comment, and subscribe..
League of Legends- Irelia- SHUTDOWN LANE!
This match went from good to pure hell real fast lol. Legit Eve was are MVP. |--| Watch in 720p!.
IRELIA, Der Wille der Klingen - League of Legends A-Z
Lets Play League of Legends Irelia Top Season 6. Meisterschaften: 18/0/12 KeyStone: Fervor of Battle. Runen:. Blau: MR pro lvl. Gelb: Rüstung. Rot: Angriffsschaden...
DemonPoison - Irelia Montage - League Of Legends
Song 2: Cartoon - Immortality (feat. Kristel Aaslaid) [Futuristik Remix] | NCS Release.
Wingsofdeath Irelia PENTAKILL - League of Legends
Wingsofdeath Irelia PENTAKILL - League of Legends.
Irelia Top Lane Commentary - Season 6 - League of Legends
Runes: Atk speed reds AD quints Armor yellows Scaling MR blues. Masteries: 18/0/12 Fervor of Battle. Enjoy the video. Please Like and Subscribe.
League Of Legends S6 - IreliaCarriesU as Irelia vs Akali Top Gameplay
League Of Legends S6 - IreliaCarriesU as Irelia vs Akali Top Gameplay.
Nasus Vs Irelia Top Lane - League of Legends Gameplay - HD
During these videos I do not claim to be the best lol player to have graced the planet, I'm just a normal guy who enjoys playing lol and have the good game here and...
League of legends otevírání truhel #špionka irelia
Irelku nehraju ale good sry zase přes mobil nezabikte mně!.
League of Legends - Studio of Krebse #07 Irelia ist ein MONSTA
Hier könnt ihr eure PLAYS schicken , die ich bestimmt einbauen werde, wenn sie lustig werden ;). [email protected]. Fals du das nice findest , lass do...
League of Legends- Irelia- That monkey got a PENTA KILL!
Just doing ninja stuff and then the monkey pulled off a pentakill. |--| Battle of the undying. Watch in 1080p..
IRELIA Full Gameplay Comentada | League of Legends
Olaaa. Segunda gameplay do Canal e a primeira de Irelia, espero que gostem. |--| Deixeu seu like, se inscreva e me siga nas minha redes sociais abaixo. Facebook:.
Voyboy as PROJECT Leona support - s5 Botlane Ranked Gameplay
-Hope you enjoyed the video, if possible, could you help me reach 1000 subscribers by subscribing the channel. I try to bring allot of league of legends content here...
KT T1 vs RNG Game 3- Faker Fizz MID Mata Leona Support - MSI 2016 Semifinal (League of Legends)
SKT T1 vs RNG Game 3- Faker Fizz MID Gameplay - Korea vs China - MSI 2016 Semifinal League of Legends. MSI 2016 SKT T1 vs RNG Game 3 - Korea vs China Semifinal Mid...
Gameplay ranqueada de League of Legends com a Irelia TOP, usando itens, talentos e runas AD e tank. Esse vídeo é um highlight de uma stream. Conheça o canal do Kiy...
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