KT T1 vs RNG Game 3 Faker Fizz MID Mata Leona Support MSI 2016 Semifinal League of Legends
League of Legends: #26 - Thresh Support (Game Highlights)
Welcome to another Thresh Support video where I only died once. This was thanks to my lag. I hope you enjoy. ★Songs used:. 0:00 : Tekvision - Mycoplasma. 0:08 : Ahri...
League of Legends Ft Thresh On Support (Game 209 Patch 6.9)
If you have something to say just write on the comments below, if you have any cool anime, tv series, movies or/and music just make comment. Thanks for watching. Her...
League of Legends Ft Thresh On Support (Game 214 Patch 6.10)
If you have something to say just write on the comments below, if you have any cool anime, tv series, movies or/and music just make comment. Thanks for watching. Her...
#140 [6.10] League of Legends - Soraka Support - Full Game
I'm sorry, I can't speak english. |--| I hope you understand, and enjoy this video. |--| Thank you for watching..
[13-05-2016] SKT vs RNG - Game 3 - Highlights - SemiFinal [MSI 2016]
SKT vs RNG - Game 3 - Highlights - SemiFinal [MSI 2016]. Please help us to subscribe video if you liked our video.
League of Legends Nami Support Patch Support 6.10
League of Legends Nami Support Patch Support 6.10 Quad Queue Rank Plat 3 Smurf. Starburts (Mundo). Arkan1st (Veigar). Demon King Anima (Nocturne).
SKT T1 Faker - Yasuo vs Fizz - Preseason KR SoloQ
Runes and Masteries: 0:11. Pros in the game:. SKT T1 S H0R0 - Elise. SKT T1 K Impact - Shyvana. Alienware Arena Nova - Vayne. NaJin White Shield Save - Diana. NaJin...
#491 SKT T1 Faker MID Fizz vs Zed Korean SoloQ Challenger
Subscribe for more VODs of Lee Sang-hyeok aka Faker:.
"Mata mata em equipe" Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare
Fala galera blzzz aqui é o noob games e este é meu primeiro video no canal espero que gostem,e se curtiu deixa 1 like e compartilha e comentem no que acharam no v...
C9 Sneaky duo with SSW (Looper, Mata, Pawn, Dandy) Korea Challenger | League of Legends
Best jhin NA C9 Sneaky plays Jhin duo with SSW (Looper, Mata, Pawn, Dandy) Korean Korea Challenger Stream Gameplay 6.10 Season 6 | League of Legends. Sneaky Jhin str...
BG League of Legends Gameplay - Leona i kompaniq
League of Legends gameplay. songs used :. Era- Ameno. Hans Zimmer - He's a Pirate.
BG League of Legends Gameplay - Leona i kompaniq
League of Legends gameplay. songs used :. Era- Ameno. Hans Zimmer - He's a Pirate.
FULL AP LEONA - Season 5 League of Legends
FULL AP LEONA Season 5 League of Legends. Pimpin' Livestream every Sunday at:.
League of Legends Oynuyoruz #Aram #Leona
Videoyu beğendiyseniz ''Like'' atmayı unutmayın !!. |--| Asosyal Ailesine Katıl.
Eae Galera, Beleza. Aqui é o Hitsurugi trazendo mais um vídeo!. espero que gostem e não se esqueçam de deixar o like, favoritar, se inscrever no canal e compartilhar...
League of Legends - Ranked - İrelia/Leona #4
League of Legends Oynadık Arkadaşlar ve Serilere Hak Kazandık.İnşallah En Kısa Zamanda Gold Olucaz. Beğenmeyi & Abone Olmayı Unutmayınız. Teşekkürler ..
League of Legends- Baron with every Champ-Leona- 11/130
Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed♥. like and subscribe for more. Music by Riot.
League of Legends | Match #68 | Season 6 | Leona [HD]
★ Fakten ★. Gespielter Champion: [Leona]. Liga: [Silver - Divison II]. Spielausgang: [Defeat]. ★ League of Legends ★ . Genre: MOBA. Entwickler: N/A. Publisher: Riot...
Leona ||Las #1|| Supporteando a un equipo de 3 ADC /League of Legends
Donde en un momento esencial se podia matar al Fizz, el Varus le da lag dejandome en bandeja de plata, en ese momento me da un ataque de pánico ya que no contaban...
İLK BÖLÜM ! | Leona Oynanış | League Of Legends #1
Youtube Videomuz :. İLK BÖLÜM. | Leona Oynanış | League Of Legends #1 ◄ Karşınızdayız Umarım beğenirsiniz.Videoları Güzel Bir Şekilde ve Özenle Sizlere Sunuyorum. Bi...
Am i a real support?Thanks for watching this video if you liked it hit a like,subscribe or share!We appreciate it. Intro,outro and more gaming videos are coming soon...
League of Legends Game 167 - Support Teemo (w/ Devon Does Games!)
Fun with the Spellthief's Edge items. Lots and LOTS of fun. And puppies. Speaking of puppies, check out Devon's channel here.
League Of Legends Teemo Support Game Play (Ranked) #7
(Steam Group). League Of Legends. League Of Legends Ranked. League Of Legends Platinum. League Of Legends Chogath Game Play Ranked. League Of Legends Cho'Gath Game P...
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Call of duty black ops 3 mata mata em equipe
Gente em videos de jogos provavelmente eu ñ fale so vou fala em toturiais.
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