If Enchanted Diamond Apples were Added to Minecraft
If a New Ore was Added to Minecraft - Part 1
We haven't had an update add a new rare block in a long time. so what if Notch decided to create the ULTIMATE ore. One even better than diamonds. Make sure to leave...
Why The Nether Was Added to Minecraft
THANKS FOR WATCHING. Can we get to 13 BILLION LIKES?. If you've played Minecraft, you've probably been to the Nether. It's a pretty unique place that is sort of like...
If a Thirst Bar was Added to Minecraft
Have you ever wondered why there is a hunger bar in Minecraft, but nothing for your thirst. Is Notch trying to say that food is more important than water. Today is t...
If a Fart Bar was Added to Minecraft
Actors: CallMeVince, Colasix, Gamerrizz, Greylock97, LordSplash, RealDerpyPlayzMC, SweetyMC, Justinwin8DoesYT, TheDoomPower, mysticalwater, xCherryyy, GalaxyCreeperS...
If a Sleep Bar was Added to Minecraft
Actors: GalaxyCreeperS, Gamerrizz, Justinwin8DoesYT, SwagLegend304, ThePokeGod, footballpro68, Amavir, Liounax, mysticalwater, URoulon, SweetyMC, CallMeVince, RealDe...
If a Poop Bar was Added to Minecraft
Share this video and hit that like button and subscribe to see more episodes. ∎Actors: pop42, Gamestar09, Malvizzen, iiAlex87YT, PhytonPvPz. -- Find Me. Facebook:.
5 Things that Should Be Added to Minecraft
Welcome to My Channel , Please comment down below what you think should be added to Minecraft. Thanks For Watching
If a Lucky Bar was Added to Minecraft
We've seen the hunger and thirst bar in Minecraft, but what if something more unique and special was added. The Lucky Bar. A bar that determines how lucky you will g...
If a RAGE Bar was Added to Minecraft
Thanks you so much for watching. Leave a 'Like' if you enjoyed. ~-~ CAN WE GET 2500 LIKES ~-~. Comment down below a suggestion for next week. We've seen the hunger b...
If A Sickness Bar Was Added To Minecraft
This video is just a joke, we made it for fun so don't take it too seriously. =CREDITS. ♬ Royalty Free Music by.
If a Toilet Bar Was Added To Minecraft
If you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a 'LIKE' and 'SUBSCRIBE!' Also make sure to leave video ideas. Your idea could be chosen for upcoming videos. This video...
If a Fear Bar was Added to Minecraft
CAMERA/EDITING▼. FuzzyPandaXD. SET DESIGN▼. AdvanceLAMP. FuzzyPandaXD. ACTING▼. AdvanceLAMP. Pop42. GrimEpp. Chech out my buddy RagingNado.
If a Strength Bar was Added to Minecraft
If a Strength Bar was Added to Minecraft. In this video you will see what will happen if a strength bar existed. I hope you enjoy it. |--| ◘ CAN WE GET 2500 LIKES. P...
If Cloning was Added to Minecraft
CAMERA/EDITING▼. FuzzyPandaXD. SET DESIGN▼. AdvanceLAMP. FuzzyPandaXD. ACTING▼. AdvanceLAMP. Pop42. TheCornCrafter. dark2310. ♫ Sound Effects.
If A Shower Bar Was Added To Minecraft
This video is just a joke, we made it for fun so don't take it too seriously. =CREDITS. ♬ Royalty Free Music by.
If a Herobrine Bar was Added to Minecraft
Hey everyone, This video I will show you If a Herobrine Bar was Added on Minecraft. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed the video. Thanks to MC...
If a Herobrine Gamemode was Added - Minecraft
Hey guys, in this video we show Herobrine adding his own gamemode into Minecraft :). Leave a like if you enjoyed and don't forget to subscribe :D. This video is made...
If an Emerald Dimension was Added - Minecraft
A lot of you guys were wondering what Miencraft would be like if the villagers ultimate dream became a reality, Emerald Dimensions. Some things are just too good to...
If a Wood Dimension was Added - Minecraft
Hey guys, in this video we show what would happen if a wood dimension was added into Minecraft :O. Leave a like if you enjoyed and don't forget to subscribe :D. ● Fa...
If A Sponge Dimension Was Added - Minecraft
In this video, we find out what would happen if a Sponge Dimension was added to Minecraft. If you enjoyed the video and want more like this, make sure to leave a LIK...
If A Herobrine Dimension Was Added - Minecraft
The Herobrine Dimension. How does it look like and what will await you once you go through the portal. Has it something to do with Herobrine not being in Minecraft a...
If IMPOSSIBLE MODE Was Added to Minecraft
Join my server. IP: mc.mcorigins.com. Some of us are just way too good for regular survival Minecraft. That's why hardcore mode was added to spice things up a bit. b...
If Fire Tools were Added to Minecraft
My Server IP: mc.thenova.net. Make sure to leave a LIKE. |--| We've all seen standard enchanted fire aspect diamond sword in Minecraft. but what if an entire set of...
If EFFORTLESS MODE Was Added to Minecraft
Thanks you so much for watching. Leave a 'Like' if you enjoyed. ~-~ CAN WE GET 1000 LIKES ~-~. Comment down below a suggestion for next week. |--| Also if you haven'...
✔ Minecraft 1.9 - Everything Added in the 1.9 Combat Update
Minecraft 1.9 is here. The 1.9 Combat added things such as; elytra, shields, dual wielding, new sounds, new blocks, new arrows, new items. Leave a "LIKE" Rating if y...
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