Hearthstone ViperPro Ladder NA EP 3
[Hearthstone] The Counterfeit HS Deck
Rogue OP, nothing to see here. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Why You Never Give Up A Game
Every day there seems to be an incredible game. Often with the worst decks. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Bad Cards Are Not Always Useless
A fun demo of a combination of crummy cards in Hearthstone. The specifics: 7/5 creature (bad) + Kings +4/4 (good) + Blessed Champion x2 attack (bad). Rate, comment,...
[Hearthstone] The Ragequit Deck
Mage + Legendaries + Anti Priest = KRIPPRAGE. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Trolltongue Totem
Showcasing a very deceptive card. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Who’s The Real Dennis
Bad decks and bad plays from two bad players. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Leokk's Revenge
Nourish/3 Mana do nothing, most valuable card. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] How Not To Play Against Paladin
Well Met. |--| Leave the paladin with creatures on the board each turn. |--| Spend mana each turn on cards that don't affect the state of the board. |--| Unleash the...
[Hearthstone] HS Arena Tournaments
Thoughts and ideas stemming from yesterdays Arena tournament cast. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Flawless Victory
The most crushing victory I've had. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Not A Typical HS Match
Gotta play them p2w games with nothing. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Mages Are Always A Problem
A crazy arena game against a good ol mage. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] HS Skill Game
Every day I'm Hufferin'. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
How to get 12 wins in Hearthstone Arena (Pt. 1)
LJ teaches xMetrik how to 12-0 in arena. Watch the climb live at twitch.tv/xMetrikTV.
The Luckiest I've Ever Gotten In Hearthstone (Hyperbole)
On Tuesday's stream I played a bunch of Hearthstone with the new Goblins vs. Gnomes cards. It was a lot of fun, especially when playing my weird Warlock demon deck,...
[Hearthstone] Horrible HS Openers
Some of the worst and funniest turn 1 and 2 experiences -- and why they occur at all. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] The Bamboozle Play
The play involves drawing the attention of the opponent away from the fact that he can win by playing a bunch of minions in an elaborate way. There is no voice recor...
[Hearthstone] The TerriblePriest Deck
Building the new meta. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] How The Salt is Created
Why Kripp gets salty in Hearthstone Arena. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
The 5 Luckiest Mad Bombers in Hearthstone
Visit Hearthstoneplayers for free Hearthstone Legend Guides and Decklists:.
The Greatest Misplays in Hearthstone
A collection of some of the funniest misplays in hearthstone so far videos from Trump, Kungen, FightNight, Blizzcon and Amaz. Check out the players featured in the v...
Hearthstone Deathwing Fail
Actually this is not a real fail but i couldn' t find another name to this event :D.
[Hearthstone] A Game I Shouldn't Win
Missing lethal isn't always harmless. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Kripp’s First HS Tournament
Vintage HS footage from a Curse organized Hearthstone tournament a week or so after HS was launched. The match shown is a best of 3 against Reckful & and pre pre ner...
Hearthstone: Tony's Trials (Ep. 1)
Welcome to the first episode of Tony's Trials, an Arena series starring Tony himself, who attempts to conquer the Hearthstone Arena. Let us know what you think of th...
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