Hearthstone Mage Arena The Dream 1
[Hearthstone] Tempo Dominance In Arena
How the tempo game in arena may have a small shift in the future with The Grand Tournament. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] The Old Gods Arena Shaman
Review of how Shaman has been performing in arena after receiving a huge boost from the Old Gods expansion. |--| Get Awesome Games.
[Hearthstone] How Good Is Shaman Arena?
Review & analysis of why shaman has not taken off as king of arena as some people had expected. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] The Craziest Arena Decks Ever
Arena is supposed to be a place where cards like Chillwind Yeti reign supreme. This isn`t that video however. Note that a lot of the time you get crushed by turn 3-4...
[Hearthstone] Blizzard Cares About Arena
Thoughts about recent comments from Hearthstone’s lead developer, Ben Brode, regarding arena balance. AngryChicken #100:.
[Hearthstone] Kripp & ADWCTA Duo Arena
A cooperative Arena draft and gameplay with ADWCTA, one of the founders of HearthArena.
[Hearthstone] Arena Fail Compilation 8
While the overall player base in Hearthstone is getting better all the time, the low points continue to be just as entertaining as ever. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Arena Fail Compilation 3
Another round of the dumbest plays ever made in Hearthstone. You will feel better. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Worst Card Arena Can WIN!
A show of how I had my first wins while intentionally drafting the worst possible deck in Arena. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Epic Arena Highlights
More of the very best moments that occur in my arena runs :). Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Magni Wrecking The Arena
Magni’s arena rampage is quite a rare thing these days, but when it happens it’s totally awesome. This video is a review and gameplay of my first Magni Bronzebeard a...
[Hearthstone] HearthArena's Impact On Arena
Thoughts and analysis of how draft helper websites impact Hearthstone. HearthArena:.
[Hearthstone] Arena Fail Compilation 6
Your monthly instalment of the absolute worst plays you will ever see in Hearthstone. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] The Most Disastrous of Arena Starts
A review of the circumstance that leads to a horrible start in arena. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Arena Bots Are Insane!
Surprising encounters with bots in arena at 8 & 9 wins. I miss Battlebots :(. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
[Hearthstone] Epic Arena Highlights 4
Another batch of the best short moments of Hearthstone I’ve ever experienced. Outro video links:. YESTERDAY How Good Is Gorillabot-A3.
[Hearthstone] The Closest Arena Games
Review & gameplay involving some of the most amazing close games I’ve had. |--| Get Awesome Games.
[Hearthstone] Epic Arena Highlights 3
Another round of the absolute most amazing things that happen in my Arena runs. Outro video links:. YESTERDAY How Good Is Ethereal Conjurer.
[Hearthstone] Arena Fail Compilation 5
Another monthly installment of the make-you-feel-better-about-making-misplays show. Twitter:.
This week I decide to play some more Hearthstone. I had enough gold to do an arena run, and I thought it might be fun just to do picks based on instinct. I only give...
[Hearthstone] Master of The Midrange Arena
How to skew your arena decks to be able to outcontrol the most controlling mages out there. Twitter:.
Hearthstone: Lord of the Arena - Episode 53
TotalBiscuit brings you another Hearthstone Arena run. Follow TotalBiscuit on Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Grim Patron In The Arena
Everybody is getting in here. in the arena too. Review and demonstration of how to use this annoying little guy in the arena format. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Kripp vs Trump Arena Value Off
Dreaming up value over the town's mayor. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] My Most Incredible HS Arena Defeat
Keep in mind this is Arena. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
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