Efficient Programming with Components Lecture 16 part 1
Web Design and Programming Pt 1 PHP
This is the first part of a tutorial in which I'll build tons of websites using PHP, SQL, MySQL, JavaScript, and AJAX applications. In the end you'll be able to make...
The Go Programming Language
Google Tech Talks. October 30, 2009. ABSTRACT. Presented by Rob Pike. What is Go?. Go is a new experimental systems programming language intended to make software de...
Python Programming
I have received a ton of requests to make a Python programming tutorial in which I teach pretty much everything in one video. I'll cover modules, comments, print, ar...
Why you should learn Python Programming
Python is really tearing it up over the past few years. From moving into the #6 spot on Tiobe index to seeing a nearly 600% increase in jobs over the past few years,...
golang, practical Go Programming
by Andrew Gerrand. Go is a new open-source programming language with an emphasis on simplicity, comprehensibility, and efficiency. It has the speed and safety of a s...
Learning Go Programming - Getting setup to run Go
In this video we will be downloading the LiteIDE which is made specifically for Go. Here is the link to install. http:--sourceforge.net-projects-liteide-files-X27.2....
Go Programming on Windows using the Zeus IDE
This short demonstration shows some of the Go programming features found in the Zeus Editor. NOTE: This video was created using the official Zeus release of that tim...
Programming in Go (for Beginning Devs)
This Go Session is designed for novice Go developers. You'll learn the basics as well as some of the key features that make Go stand out from the crowd. After you co...
Larry Wall: 5 Programming Languages Everyone Should Know
Java is "heavyweight, verbose, and everyone loves to hate it," but Wall still thinks you should know it. Question: What are the five programming languages everyone,...
Go-Miami: Object Oriented Programming in Go
Steve Francia, the Chief Developer Advocate at MongoDB and a current Go speaker at OSCON, will give a presentation about object oriented programming in Go. Steve has...
Go Programming Tutorial - Installing Go and our Editors
In this video we will install Go, the Atom editor and run our first Go program. Go, also commonly referred to as golang, is a programming language developed at Googl...
A Tour of the Go Programming Language with Russ Cox
Speaker Biography. Russ Cox is a software engineer at Google. He has spent the last four years on the Go team, designing and implementing the language and writing Go...
Why Go is a good programming language to learn
Go is a great language to learn in 2015 and 2016. It's gaining popularity very quickly in the past few years. In this video I give a high level demonstration of why...
Advanced Database Programming with Python
The Python DB-API 2.0 provides a direct interface to. many popular database backends. It makes interaction with. relational database very straight forward and allows...
Bjarne Stroustrup: The 5 Programming Languages You Need to Know
"Nobody should call themselves a professional if they only knew one language.". Question: What are the five most important languages that programmers should know?Bja...
The D Programming Language by Walter Bright
The D Programming Language combines modeling power, modern convenience, and native efficiency into one powerful language. D embodies many new ideas in programming la...
Let's Go Further: Build Concurrent Software using the Go Programming Language
Google Tech Talk. April 25, 2012. Presented by Sameer Ajmani. ABSTRACT. Go is an open source programming environment that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, an...
Douglas Crockford: Programming Style & Your Brain
In this talk from JaxConf 2012, Douglas Crockford discusses programming style and your brain, the relationship between the two and the importance of adopting a more...
Tim Ewald - Clojure: Programming with Hand Tools
For most of human history, furniture was built by hand using a small set of simple tools. This approach connects you in a profoundly direct way to the work, your eff...
Google I/O 2011: Programming Well with Others: Social Skills for Geeks
Brian Fitzpatrick & Ben Collins-Sussman. Are languages, compilers, debuggers, and algorithms all you need to be a successful software engineer. In a perfect world, t...
The Go Programming Language, An Introduction (Go from A to Z — Zürich Gophers Meetup)
Google Tech Talk. October 30, 2015. (click "show more" for more info). Presented by Thomas Wilde. "Go from A to Z — Zürich Gophers Meetup". Talks given by local user...
Advanced Topics in Programming Languages Series: C++ Threads
Google Tech Talks. May 16, 2007. Abstract. The next C++ standard will provide direct support for threads, including a model of memory, atomics, variables, launching,...
The Go Programming Language MUG Talk by Mark Ramm-Christensen
The Go Programming Language. You might have heard about Go the programming language as the laguage developed at Google, but probably haven't looked much further than...
Programming is terrible—Lessons learned from a life wasted. EMF2012
A bad programmer talks about bad programming, from EMF 2012 (.
How To install and Set Path For Go Programming Language In Windows System Tamil
How To install and Set Path For Go Programming Language In Windows System Tamil.
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