Deck Baratinho Shockadin SDA P1 Hearthstone
Hearthstone Tavern Brawl: Top 2
Hands down the best synergy in all of Hearthstone. Like, Comment and Subscribe for more. Developer: Blizzard Entertainment. Hearthstone: Heroes Of Warcraft is availa...
Hearthstone: Tavern Brawl - 48 - Top 2
This brawl is so much fun. I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed playing it. I can't really think about any more fun deck for the other class I didn't...
Hearthstone Tavern Brawl Top 2
Hey guys check out this 2 card combo deck. Innervate + Y'Shaarj Rage Unbound. Having a pretty good run with almost 30 wins , just losing to mill druid. Twitch -.
Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, Ep.48 – Top 2
Мъч фън, вери like. Съдържанието на епизода:. 0:55 - Priest: Forbidden Shaping + Lightwell;. 9:15 - Mage: Ice Block + Fireball;. 15:30 - Druid: Innervate + Yogg-Saro...
Hearthstone - Tavern Brawl 48 - Top 2
If you liked this video, please show your support by clicking the "Thumbs Up" button. Thanks. The Innkeeper's Conclave. Twitter -.
Hearthstone Tavern Brawl - Top 2
The Innkeeper is wondering which two cards work best together. Show him - choose 2 cards and we'll fill your deck with them. Wow, having played quite a few of these...
Top 2 | HearthStone - Tavern Brawl 45
HearthStone - This weeks Tavern Brawl is Top 2. #HearthStone.
[Hearthstone] Every Flavor of Legendary
A series of amazing games involving my fortunate & unfortunate run ins with Legendaries today. 30 Leg Pally Decklist:.
[Hearthstone] Tavern brawl - Two are enough
Hello and welcome to the Tavern brawl. |--| This week's challenge is a really interesting one. We only need two cards. Comment, like and subscribe. G2A the place for...
\o/ Hearthstone - We're Very Acidic 0130 \o/
What game mode are you playing at the moment for Hearthstone. Are you interested in Standard, or the Wild format. I’m starting to forget how Mech Mages used to defil...
Hearthstone Tutorial #2: how to Get to Rank 10 and above
Here we go another attempt at a tutorial that I neither have the skill, nor subscriber base to qualify making such a bold video. But hell am I gonna try anyway. Anyw...
Hearthstone : The Golden Collection
This is my gold Hearthstone collection. Sorry for the music and commercial in the beginning, I'm not great with computers and used what I could find to record this....
[Hearthstone] Top 5 Worst GvG Cards
Review of the biggest failures & piece of crap cards you never want to see drafting that were release with the GvG block. Twitter:.
Hearthstone - My collection of awesomeness!
Hello and welcome to a video where i show off all the cards in my collection. Hearthstone -.
Hearthstone: What Adventure Mode Should I Buy
VIDEO DESCRIPTION: If you're having trouble figuring out which Adventure Pack you should start out with in Hearthstone, watch this video, as Rob quickly brakes down...
HearthStone - my first Legendary card
After 420 wins I finally found a Legendary card in my Card pack in Hearthstone :). music - unknown, sorry. první legenda, konečně po 420 výhrách.
Epic Hearthstone Plays #55
Music. 1] none. 2] Demilitarized Zone - Ethan Meixsell. Safety Net - Riot. 3] The Only Girl - Silent Partner. 4] Cataclysmic Molten Core - Jingle Punks. Rural Stride...
[Hearthstone] Dreadsteed Is Awesome!
Review of fun and wild combos made possible with the new Dreadsteed card introduced in The Grand Tournament. Decklist:.
[Hearthstone] Most Underrated TGT Commons
Thoughts about the most underrated common cards in the Grand Tournament Hearthstone expansion. Twitter:.
[Hearthstone] Let's Nerf Some Cards!
Having a bit of fun nerfing overpowered cards -- Blizzard style. Twitter:.
Quick Look Into My Hearthstone Collection
as you can see guys thats my hearhstone collection it's not too mush but it does the work. if you like the video don't forget hiting like and sub buttons for more....
HEARTHSTONE / Ma collection et mes decks!
Salut les geek!!. |--| Petite vidéo pour vous présenter ma collection et mes decks. |--| Bon visionnage. Mon BattleTag : Selvarion#2410. Facebook :.
[Hearthstone UI Bug] 'My Collection' Softlock
1) Select 'new deck' to make a deck in your final slot. |--| 2) Select priest and click 'choose'. VERY QUICKLY AFTER THAT, click the 'new deck' button again before a...
Hearthstone: 50 Pack Opening
Hey there guys,. This is one of, if not the only, pack opening video that will be on the channel, at least for awhile. I planned on doing more, but at this point, I...
Hearthstone: Season 3 Decks
Hey there guys,. Today, I decided to show you all the decks I've been running in Constructed Play, both in Ranked and Casual Games. I hope you enjoy the video and I...
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