Black Desert Online First Impressions Is It Worth Playing
Paladins: Champions Of The Realm First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
____________________________________________. In this video I try out a new FPS which has just gone into early access called Paladins which is made by Hi-Rez Studios...
Moonlight Blade MMORPG First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?" (天涯明月刀)
____________________________________________. In this video I try out a Chinese MMORPG called Moonlight Blade Online 天涯明月刀 which is currently in it's open BETA,...
Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn PC First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
____________________________________________. In this video I take at an MMORPG called Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn on PC that recently released It's first expansion...
Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR) First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
____________________________________________. In this video I try out an MMORPG released in 2011 called Star Wars The Old Republic on PC otherwise known as SWTOR, SW...
Why I quit Black Desert Online
I felt it time to let you all know why I no longer play. I know I am casual and I know I suck but I would still love to know if you are still playing the game. Join...
[Noob] Black Desert Online | Valkyrie PvP 2v2
Valkyrie + Sorc VS. Warrior + Ranger. I'm very new to the game so don't bother making comments on the mistakes i made :0.
Black Desert Online | Is The Game Dying?! (Nope)
Is Black Desert Online dying. It's doing better than certain people think. The main reason for people leaving is that they hit end-game and no longer have anything t...
IS OVERWATCH WORTH $60 ? Heck are Online Only Games EVER Worth 60 Dollars !?
PSN: CSANDREAS. I'm Chris Sanders. I'm a YouTuber that makes opinionated vlogs, top ten lists and funny satire based rants on video game news (especially Nintendo an...
Wildstar F2P Relaunch First Impressions - Is It Worth Trying?
Wildstar's free to play launch has finally arrived. Have Carbine managed to change this troubled games fortunes. ●Twitter -.
AL RHUNDI REBELLION! - Black Desert Online Let's Play 20 (PC | 1080p)
Subscribe if you haven't and click Like if you enjoyed the video. Helps me out a lot. Welcome, everyone, to the world where the graphics are Witcher-like, the classe...
Black Desert Online: Creating the Ugliest Character in the Prettiest MMO - IGN Plays
We Create Black Desert Online's Ugliest Character that might give you nightmares for the foreseeable future..
(Epic/funny gaming moments) BO3, SFV, FFXV, XCOM 2, WWE 2K16, Heavy Rain, Black Desert Online, etc!
Epic and funny gaming moments in Metal Gear Solid V, Final Fantasy XV Platinum Demo, XCOM 2, Street Fighter V, WWE 2K16, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End multiplayer beta,...
Guild Wars 2 "Is It Worth Playing?"
____________________________________________. In this video I try out a free to play MMORPG called Guild Wars 2 which is currently in its heart of thorns expansion,...
Starcraft 2 Desert Strike Hots Zerg Strategy Playing Against A Subscriber!
SmokingGunz did an excellent job trying to kick my ass, but he had a teammate that went 4 gas and built swarm hosts. You never build swarm hosts, ever. They held us...
Indie games worth playing; STORMWORM+ Review
“Stormworm+ is a Fast-Paced Reflex-Driven Arcade Game backed with colorful visuals and an original soundtrack. Inspired by the arcade games of old, collect, grow and...
Top 10 Overlooked PS2 Games Worth Playing | PS2 Hidden Gems
There are some amazing games for the Playstation 2 that just get overlooked and forgotten. Today I want to take a look into some hidden gems for the system. My Faceb...
Are Online Only Console Games Worth $60?
Online only console games are becoming more and more common now days, but are games like Star Wars Battlefront and Overwatch on consoles worth a full $60 price. RGT...
Online Impressions
Just a prime example how the editor can make you look good. I got killed alot that day. Grand Theft Auto V.
Beer Me: A Pub Game Worth Playing (Indiegogo project)(Pub Card Game)
Top 10 Overlooked Gamecube Games Worth Playing | Gamecube Hidden Gems
There are some amazing games for the Gamecube that just get overlooked and forgotten. Today I want to take a look into some hidden gems for the system. My Facebook p...
Join Johnny Millenium The Happy Console Gamer as he discusses new video game news and reviews forgotten games that not many people know about but should!.
Black desert кач на орках 15
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Elder Scrolls Online PvP Gameplay - Angry Joe's Impressions
Angry Joe gives his impressions & review of the PVP World Battles in ESO. Here he plays as a DragonKnight Nord in the Ebonheart Pact storming various Keeps. In betwe...
Black Desert - First Look (Alpha Test)
- Gets you Black Desert info, gameplay screenshots, reviews, news, videos, articles & more. Black Desert is a sandbox-style MMORPG that offers a great deal for playe...
Black Ops 3 First Impressions - Some Thoughts On Call of Duty Black Ops 3
Black Ops 3 First Impressions. Today is my first time playing Black Ops 3 and here are some thoughts on Call of Duty Black Ops 3. Song: Inspired - Kevin MacLeod inco...
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