1K AD Jhin URF Full Gameplay League of Legends 2016
Como não jogar de Jhin -- League of Legends ARAM
Falaaa ae galerinha ligada no TheSalamander, BLZ ?. Hoje trago um video de LoLzin pro canal, espero que gostem =D. Twitter :.
[League Of Legends] The adventures of Jhin The Virtuoso Mid lane.
What's up guys we are back with another gameplay, this time featuring Jhin. Leave a like if you liked the video and subscribe for more weekly funny moments of League...
League of Legends `´ HIGHLIGHT Ep. 129 `´ Jhin `´ BLIND DRAGONSTEAL
League of Legends/LOL Very Best Moment/Highlight 129:. Jhin - 2 DRAGONSTEALS without vision!!. |--| Even URF can't trust his eyes but he has to believe it. (German/E...
The show never ends... | League Of Legends Jhin Montage
League of Legends montage, si quieres más, házmelo saber en los comentarios :D. •JUEGOS BARATOS:.
league of legends :Jhin highlights and riven hightlights who is the best
jhin highlight,lol,Faker Funny,Faker Highlights,Faker Troll,Faker live stream,Immortals VS C9,Jhin,League Of Legends,SKT T1 FAKER,SKT T1 FAKER STREAM,Mid-Season,PBE,...
League of Legends | Random Jhin Montage | Mâgłç
Just a lame Jhin montage video. The game where I actually pulled off some of the greater plays, was sadly misteriously deleted from mi LSI. But oh well. I Hope you e...
Let's Play League of Legends Part 50 [German] Jhin ADC
Heute Jhin ADC mit allen möglichen Emotionen die man bei LoL so hat. :D Viel Spaß mit dem Video.
Hey guys Youmuus here with my journey to rank 7 Jhin. Hope you guys enjoyed. The games are quite low elo since it was on my smurf but they were fun anyway XD. ▶Subsc...
League of legends full gameplay #1
this is a game of league of legends i played and i decided to post it to youtube. hope you enjoy it..
League Of Legends URF full gameplay [SWE]
Spelar ett URF ( Ultra Rapid Fire) spel med Svante och Axel + HÖJ GÄRNA LJUDET. för att höra min röst bättre. Jag använder en gammal mic och dator för min blev paj.
Jhin Guide - Tips & Tricks - League of Legends Season 6
Jhin Guide & How To Play Mid / Bot in League of Legends. 'Like' if you enjoyed
[캬하하] 캬악듀오 배치고사 20연승 ( 강제캐리 가능한 진 ) League of Legends Jhin ADC
☆추천재생목록. ☆최신플레이영상. 영상 재미있게 시청하셨다면 좋아요와 구독 잊지 말아주세요!. |--| 이석현 채널에서는 LOL 캐릭터 별 플레이 방법을 알려드립니다. |--| 구독...
AP Jhin vs Karma ( League of Legends ) Mid Fight Highlights - The Patch 6.9
League of Legends - LOL - Ap Jhin - Jhin vs Karma. The Patch 6.9 - Season 6 - Eu West - Low Elo - High Elo.
OFA Montage - Jhin, Vayne, Rengar and more - League of Legends [LOLPlay VN]
You can submit your play to [email protected] (.lpr, .bat and .replay only). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. This...
[캬하하] 캬악듀오 배치고사 23연승 ( 진과 거의 한몸ㅋㅋ ) League of Legends Jhin ADC
☆추천재생목록. ☆최신플레이영상. 영상 재미있게 시청하셨다면 좋아요와 구독 잊지 말아주세요!. |--| 이석현 채널에서는 LOL 캐릭터 별 플레이 방법을 알려드립니다. |--| 구독...
C9 Sneaky Jhin AD Carry Guide Season 6 League of Legends
C9 Sneaky Jhin AD Carry Guide Season 6 League of Legends.
LoL Epic Moments #27 - Best Combo Jhin + Bard [Ult] | League of Legends
Send by [TaRmi]. Send by [Przemek Prędota]. Send by [Abdullh AH craft]. ☛ Please flag negative, spam or hateful comments. We are all here to have some fun, be positi...
League of Legends Tipps & Tricks #13 Jhin, Taric, Janna
Hier ein paar Tipps und Tricks, die euch hoffentlich helfen. Schreibt in die Kommentare, welchen Champion ihr gerne in einem Video sehen wollt und ich schenke euch v...
สอนจัด Runes Masteries ของ Champions Jhin League of Legends
เพลงประกอบมาจาก ช่อง VB Yoshara ฝากกดติดตามเขาด้วนนะครับ.
URF - Jhin 3732 AD, 994 Movement Speed after Crit| League of Legends
Ich hab ein neues Headset von Creative gestellt bekommen, schaut da mal vorbei, keine Angst, ich verdiene nichts an dem Link.
KDM Edge [Jhin] vs [Ezreal] KR LOL SoloQ Highlights | League of Legends
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ღღღ WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL ღღღ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬. ➥This is my channel: League of Legends/리그오브레전드. ☛ We are here make video about: Hightlights, Challenger Match,...
League Of Legends - Caitlyn ADC - Full Gameplay
Only played caitlyn a couple of times did a lot of mistakes but some ok late game ADC game play. Intro music:Alan Walker - Force [NCS Release].
League of Legends Yasuo Mid FULL GAMEPLAY
Viel Spaß beim zuschauen und wie gesagt Verbesserungsvorschläge und Tipps pls in die Kommentare.
DEFINITELY NOT DOMINION? - Full Gameplay | League of Legends
Runes & Masteries: 15% CDR Blues, AP QUINTS, HP PER LVL YELLOWS, MPEN REDS, 12/18/0 (match history didn't work). ✔ Pants are Dragon T-Shirts:.
4v4 Custom | Full Gameplay | League of Legends
Hey guys how is your day, here is a full gameplay of me and my friends doing a 4v4 custom. Hope you guys have a good one. As Always Stay Sexy. Support Me:. Donate:.
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