0525 페이커 미드 르블랑 16 2 7 Faker Mid Leblanc League of Legends
Let's Randomize! LEBLANC #3 - League of Legends
Hey guys. Here's another video, but this time I'm duo-ing with my friend. Hope you guys enjoy..
Jeżeli się podobało pamiętaj o OCENIE tego filmu(Nie ukrywam którą ocenię preferuję hehe), bo to mi bardzo pomaga w rozwoju kanału. |--| Dziękuje
LeBlanc Sup AD deu bom? ft. CoslopVrau League of Legends
Primeiro Vídeo editado de lol para o canal. |--| Deixem comentário dizendo o que acharam e como eu posso deixar o vídeo melhor, se o vídeo for bem aceito, será feito...
League of Legends : SKT sen pick Leblanc U.R.F #21
Đừng Quên LIKE, SUBSCRIBE và SHARE Ủng Hộ dainghia 25. Fanpage Facebook :.
League of Legends - LeBlanc URF Quadra
Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed♥. like and subscribe for more. Music by Riot.
LEBLANC HAS WINGS! New Skin in League of Legends
I stream EVERY SUNDAY at 5PM CET. STALK ME. EXTRA-FRESCO:. ● Snapchat: brofresco. ● Twitter:.
Epic Leblanc Montage #1 | S6 | [League of Legends]
➢ Songs:. - K-391 - Earth. - Fareoh - Cloud Ten. - Anikdote - Turn It Up. ➢ Welcome To My Channel!. In this channel you will find videos of League of Legends (Montag...
League of Legends | Ranked highlights Leblanc
This time i shall be playing leblanc in the mid lane and well.. yeah im pretty bad.
Ascension - League of Legends | LeBlanc #Rumie
♥ Hola. espero que les haya gustado, dejenme sus comentarios y opiniones abajo, si te gusto el vídeo compartilo que me ayudaría muchísimo. Hoy les traje una partidit...
League of Legends Ranked S6 [Patch6.9] #118 LeBlanc Mid
Momentane Platzierung: Gold IV. League of Legends. Genre: Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). Entwickler: Riot Games. Publisher: Riot Games. Offizielle Internets...
League of Legends - LeBlanc Mid Gameplay #1 - ComeBack ?
hi everyone, I'm Pereira006 and Deaf, I can hear but not good as normal human. |--| This game is league of legend, I'm playing Leblanc as midlaner, rank and is silv...
My in game name is Juked and i thought it was necesarry for me to show my juking abilities by playing the one and only leblanc to showcase why i named myself Juked i...
League of Legends- Baron with every Champ-LeBlanc- 16/130
Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed♥. like and subscribe for more. Music by Riot.
League of Legends - LeBlanc vs. Akali | Full HD | DE
Nach einer sozusagen "winzig kleinen" Pause schmeiß ich mal wieder die alte Rechenmaschine an, um ein gemütliches Ründchen League of Legends mit euch zu spielen :) N...
League of Legends Leblanc Plays 2016
League of Legends Leblanc Plays 2016. Some Leblanc Plays by FNC HeroNE. Background music. 1)Arc North - Oceanside. 2)Avalon - Golden.
Choose Your Own Adventure - Leblanc - League of Legends
This choose your own adventure series is basically where I play a champion and build them from a specific category, for example if I were to build "Life Steal" I wi...
A-Z League of Legends: Leblanc - Farmimy przeciwników
SNAPCHAT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) fifinplz. SKLEP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Kolejny z serii kim jest. LEBLANC. Zapraszam do komentowania i lajkowania a także:. WIĘCEJ FABUŁY:.
LeBlanc | The Great Escape | League of Legends
Thanks for watching don't forget to hit that like button & subcribe. All other links below. Subscribe here:.
La MEJOR LeBlanc!!? | League Of Legends | Season 6
Compartilo si te gusto. me ayudaria mucho. La mejor Leblanc Del lol. Faker seguro debe tener miedo luego de haber visto las habilidades de esta LeBlanc Y Aatrox jaja...
Let's Play League of Legends ( LeBlanc vs. Kennen ) 1v1 german
Diesmal spielen Florian und Nico gegeneinander. Wir hoffen wie immer es gefällt euch. Crazyaventura - LeBlanc. Desperadon - Kennen. zock auch du mal mit ;).
Showing off Leblanc! League of Legends Full Match!
Welcome back folks. Today I show off Leblanc, my new champion I bought in League of Legends. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for more. Sit back and enjoy. |--| Music...
League Of Legends #2 Full Ranked Game LeBlanc Mid
Probably my bet LB game out of U.R.F. |--| Like & Subscribe (Only if you want 2 xD). Enjoy!.
Showing off Leblanc! League of Legends Champion Spotlight!
Welcome back folks. Today I will show you guys the awesome abilities of Leblanc in League of Legends. I hope you guys enjoy and make sure to like, comment, and subsc...
League of Legends `´ Best Fails `´ Amumu gets vision on LeBlanc?!?!
League of Legends/ LoL Season 6 Best Fails. |--| Summoner's Rift featuring: WTH is this vision BUG?!?. |--| Even URF can only Facepalm himself for this showcase. |--...
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