Evolve — PAX EAST ESL Final [Team Venom Hound vs. Pushing Daisies]

In the final wave of battles, Team Venom Hound and Pushing Daisies clash at the PAX EAST ESL Pro Am Tournament. Team Venom Hound battled their way through 126 teams, to get to the CHAPPiE challenge finals, xXDallaBillzXx winning the tournament, and $15K with Vexxed, and Mr. Croft, GhostXAK, and Dirtysh33ts as runners-up, and winners of $5K with KPB. They’re now looking to combine forces and crush the competition at PAX East. Pushing Daisies: With 3 Evolve tournament victories between it’s members, Pushing Daisies has the experience and the skill to give the rest of the competition a run for number one. As always, thanks for watching. #EvolveGame | @EvolveGame | EvolveGame.